If there are any questions we don't answer here, please contact us here.

What is your returns policy?

Please click here to see our returns policy. 

Can I shower or swim with the patch on?

The patches are water resistant but not waterproof so a shower would be fine but a long soak in the tub or a swim may cause them to come off.

Where is the best place to put vitamin patches?

We recommend an area free of hair such as the inside of the forearm, on the shoulder or behind the ear. 

How long should I wear the patches for?

To get the most from the patches you should wear them for 6-8 hours.  We do suggest that you take the patch off after 8 hours.

When is the best time of day to wear vitamin patches?

You can wear the patches anytime, but some like to put them on before bed and take them off when they get up.  Alternatively, you can apply them when you get up and wear them through the day.

Can I wear more than 1 patch at a time?

If you have two different patches, such as the Beauty Patch and the Gym or Energy Patch then this is absolutely fine.  There is no need to wear multiple patches of the same kind.

How long do the patches last, what is their shelf life?

Each pack of patches will come with their expiry date clear stamped on the packaging.  You should discard the patches once this date has passed.

How should I store the patches?

The packaging has been designed to keep the patches in the best condition so we recommend keeping them in their original packs.  You can then store the packs in a cupboard or draw as you would other vitamins or medicines, away from directly sunlight and moisture.

What are vitamin patches?

Inspired by Nicotine patches Vitamin patches have an adhesive layer which delivers vitamins into the bloodstream using nanotechnology.

Are vitamin patches effective, how good are they?

Up to 90% of the vitamins – or nutrients – are absorbed directly by the skin into the bloodstream when using a patch compared to just 30% when in tablet form. Patches enable a controlled, consistent release of nutrients in the right quantities.

What vitamin patches should I use?

If you need to get more Vitamin B12, you may benefit from Energy patch.

If you want to recover faster from exercise, you can try Gym patch.

If you are regularly working from home, doing aesthetic medicine, or live in high latitudes like Scandinavian area, you should try the Vitamin D based patches like the Immune patch or Beauty patch.

You can combine more than one type of vitamin patch as required.

Are vitamin patches safe to use when pregnant or breastfeeding?

We recommend that if you are pregnant or breastfeeding you consult your GPs before using Vcience patches even though there is no evidence that vitamin patches are not safe for people when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Are vitamin patches safe for children to use?

Currently our patches are only design for adults.  We may develop the special vitamin patches for children in future.   

What type of B12 is used in the patches?

We use only Methylcobalamin, the natural active form of Vitamin B12, in our patches as it is the most absorbable and effective form for our bodies.

What is Vitamin B12 and who needs it?

We all need B12 to stay fit and well.  It cannot be produced by the body and must come from our diet or via a supplement.  It helps the body to make red blood cells preventing anemia and ensures our nervous system stays healthy.  On top of that it has been linked to bone health, boosting mood and concentration through serotonin production and prevention of memory loss in older adults.

Vitamin B12 is found in meat, milk and other animal products so if you don’t have these regularly in your diet you need to take a B12 supplement to keep healthy.  This is why we have made our B12 patch suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.

What is Vitamin D and who needs it?

Vitamin D helps the body to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate it needs. These nutrients are required to keep our bones, teeth and muscles healthy. The body normally creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin when outdoors.

If you don’t get a lot of sunlight because of your work, location or medical reasons Vitamin D patches are ideal to ensure you get your daily supply.

What is Biotin and who needs it?

Biotin (vitamin B7) is a vitamin found in foods like eggs, milk, and bananas. Biotin helps keep our skin, hair, eyes and liver healthy.

Are vitamin patches vegan?

Yes, they are. We are currently awaiting our certificate from Vegan Friendly to celebrate this fact.

 Are vitamin patches tested on animals, are they cruelty free?

We are against animal testing so none of our products have been tested on animals.

Do the patches contain GMO ingredients?

No, we don’t have any GMO ingredients.